Wednesday 30 November 2016

                             a boy virgins experience with an ipad

 Hello friends , its nice to talk to you guys. pardon me as it is my first time blogging especially on an iPad.
    Oh yes, i forget to tell you guys.Ever since i got into this course,child psychology and early education. I am required to utilize this marvelous device that Steve Jobs pioneered.
Image result for ipad
To be very honest,as an android user and a guy who swore by the use of laptops. I was initially skeptical about the iPad. How could a rectangular screen replace the laptop? But i was soon proven otherwise.

you can browse the internet with it,with just a touch of the finger. Access all your lecture notes on a whim. Not only that,you can even use the Microsoft office tools that are valuable for your assignments. Something that tablet user once dream about.

An Ipad is essentially a laptop without a keyboard, thus making it a convenient tool for leisure and school. however it does have its drawbacks. Here are some

Firstly,for some an Ipad may be lacking in the memory department. An ipad only allow memory to go up to 128 GB while laptops often goes into the terabyte range.

Secondly,for gamers who prefers to play major title games on the PC or laptops , an ipad with those silly platform games just wouldn't cut it. But for portability and the sake of my GPA , i guess i would stick to the ipad now to focus on my work instead of gaming. HAHAHA,till next time

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